
Club Rules

Last Updated – November 2018

We are very fortunate to be able to fly our models at the Waharoa Aerodrome, many club members have put a lot of time in over the years to get where we are today.  Rest assured your committee is committed to ensuring the well being of the club and site are preserved. Full size aircraft and parachutists have right of way at all times. The Jaggers Rd strip is available at all time for emergency landings. Please respect other users.
Observe for full size Aircraft powered ,glider and parachutists at all times.
Members must be financial. Non club members must be sponsored by a club member at all times. (Sponsored visitors allowed two visits only unless prior arrangement with committee).

CAA [Civil Aviation Authority NZ] requirements.

• The crosses are placed at the ends of the runway, closing the runway to full size traffic. They are kept in the blue barrel by the container, if not out they should be placed as per the instructions on the gate before flying and returned when flying is finished. .
• All fliers must be conversant with the Site Map printed on the back. (Plan view of flying site will be provided with rule book).
• All pilots must have a competent observer.
• Pilots should have the pertinent wings badge for the model flown.
• The airport frequency shall be monitored at all times; there is a monitor radio in the shed.
• The maximum height limit is 900 ft above ground level.
Club Rules
1 No “Internal Combustion Engine” is to be started before 9am.
2 To avoid full size traffic do not fly beyond the black and white marker board which is fixed to fence adjacent to model   runway. (Right hand end).
3 Each flyer shall be responsible for a safety check before flying, including checking the batteries for a full charge.
4 No taxiing in the pits.
5 Models shall be restrained when starting; this shall take place at the edge of the pits opposite the parked cars, props pointing away from the cars. Consider using the stocks for larger models.
6 No more than 5 models in the air at any one time.
7 When taking off and landing advise the other pilots on the line.
8  The flying field is a NO SMOKING AREA
9 Children under 10 must be under the direct supervision of an adult.
10 Dogs or animals must be under control of owner at all times.
11 All “Internal Combustion Engines” must have a suitable effective muffler. All Pilots are expected to ensure noise outputs from their models are kept to within reasonable sound limits. i.e: the quieter the better. The Club & Club Officials reserve the right to deem a motor too noisy for operation at a club venue.
12 When running up or testing motors, consider the safety and comfort of other members in the area. Do not run your engine at high revs whilst someone is towards the front of the propeller
13 The Club Officials reserve the right to expel any person from the MPMAC Field at any time, for breach of rules or misconduct.
14 Members not flying 2.4 gig should use the peg board.
15 Members should be conversant with the ‘Model Flying NZ’ handbook.
16 Multi rotor platform type aircraft (quadcopters), and FPV (Video piloted aircraft) are NOT permitted to fly at the site.
17 Flying Jets ,you are required to have a observer with direct communication to the flight line,positioned at the “Observation Point “as shown on the site map fixed to the container.This is to prevent overflying the main runway.

18 Pilots wishing to fly to the maximum hight are required to equip there model with telemetry to prevent breaching 900” above ground level.

Note, other users of the airfield have the right to use the Jaggers Rd runway [04/22] if there is a significant change in conditions, in which case the main runway will be available for model flying, the crosses will need relocating.

Observer Duties 

Scope EVERY pilot of a radio controlled model aircraft operating within 4km of an operational airfield is required by the Civil Aviation Regulations to have their own competent OBSERVER with them in the PILOT’S BOX while their model is in the air. This is not a requirement invented by the MFNZ nor the our Club Committees – it is a requirement under the Civil Aviation Regulations. Non-compliance with these regulations could easily cost a Club use of the site.6.8.2

Primary Functions of an Observer

Ensuring the safety of the public, air traffic and other Club members is the paramount role of the OBSERVER. This is achieved by keeping the pilot fully informed of: Other aircraft movements, both full size and other models, so that proper aircraft separation is always maintained; The Observer should advise the model pilot of the location, track and height of a manned aircraft entering the flight area and help with recommending a flight path to ensure separation is maintained; Other pilot’s calls and flight intentions (take-off, landing, dead stick, low pass, etc.); and Any other hazards that may appear during the flight (pedestrians on the strip, dogs, etc.).

Note: Being an OBSERVER is not a social engagement in the PILOT’S BOX. While the duties are neither difficult nor onerous, full attention is required secondary functions Additional input from an OBSERVER could be to: a) Assist with safe engine start up and aircraft handling in the pit area and to the flight line; and b) Ensure that all other pilots and OBSERVERS are aware of the pilot’s flight plans (take- off, landing, dead stick, etc.).